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  Popeye – Issue 927: Living HealthyA city boy must be healthy.He must enjoy being active, eat well, sleep well, be calm, and be kind to others.While we who live in modern cities wish to be like this, it seems that not many of us can achieve this. So, starting with Los Angeles, the city at the forefront of healthy living, we covered healthy lifestyles around the world, new sports, and clothes and tools to spend every day in the humid heat comfortably. We left the training-centered lifestyle to Tarzan and looked for Popeye's unique healthy life.


Japanese Language


Popeye Magazine is the premiere "Magazine for City Boys". Printed in Japan, Popeye is at the forefront of new trends and old favorites, presented in a format that anyone can enjoy. July 2024's issue covers what makes a healthy lifestyle for city boys across the world! This issue explores the healthy habits unique to the Popeye lifestyle through interviews, comfortable clothing recommendations, and more!

Popeye Magazine Japan July 2024 Issue 927

SKU: 4910180290749
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